Dimensions of Diversity The value of diversity is much discussed. Organisations benefit from a range of perspectives and insights and are at risk if they fall prey to group think. Inclusion ensures that diverse voices flourish.
An effective Board provides oversight and pays close attention to diversity and inclusion throughout the company; a high performing Board is also very alert to its own diversity. Many Boards are familiar with frameworks and targets to promote gender and ethnic diversity but have probably devoted much less of the Board Agenda to other aspects of diversity.
Fidelio has a deep commitment to Diversity and Inclusion. To that end Fidelio recently hosted a Roundtable Discussion with Chairs, as well as Executive and Non-Executive Board Members, exploring the role of the Board and neurodiversity. We were joined by Ian Iceton, former Group HR Director Network Rail, Skanska and Volkswagen UK, who is completing his doctoral study in neurodiversity and the workplace at Cranfield University, and has advised Fidelio on this important subject.
That neurodiversity is not yet part of the Board discussion was evident from our opening poll for participants in the Roundtable:
This Roundtable on neurodiversity and the Board proved a learning opportunity for all participants, including Fidelio, and prompted a lively discussion. We have pleasure in sharing the key elements and recommendations in this Overture. To continue reading, please click here.
Fidelio Partners is committed to “Building Better Boards”. We are independent in our approach and advice and specialise in supporting Boards through practical solutions to complex challenges:
Effectiveness – Evaluation / Development
Alignment – Strategy / ESG / Engagement
Composition – Board and Executive Search / Diversity and Inclusion
For more information, please visit fideliopartners.com or contact info@fideliopartners.com.